Purveyor of LifeOne and DeAromatase
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About Us


We are your source for information and products to aid you in your journey to better health.  We take the time to get to know you so that we may offer our resources in a manner that best serves your current needs and will help you meet your health-based goals. 

www.LifeOneDirect.com is a division of Level Nutraceuticals, a business with over 15 year’s experience working with LifeOne. During this time, our mission has been to educate our customers and help them regain the confidence to take charge of their own healthcare. Many of our clients have received devastating news and feel powerless to affect positive change; they see their options as bleak. We work with them one on one to educate them and help them to understand that they still have control.

So please, if you have any questions, contact us, ask them, we will do our best to answer them, and if we cannot, we will help search for the answer. This is our promise to you, whether you’re a customer or not.

Robert (Bo) Tischer

I met Dr. Farley, the creator of LifeOne in the late 1990’s; he was administering a trial on a growth hormone product and I was one of the subjects. At this time I was ending my involvement in the sports supplement industry because I was tired of all the unscrupulous and shady business practices. I was burned out and decided to go into the field of emergency medicine, mainly to satisfy my passion for helping others although the adrenaline rush wasn’t so bad either.

A few years later I had heard Dr. Farley had formulated the LifeOne and it piqued my interest; I knew it would have real science behind it and it was worth investigating. This research taught me how important the immune system was in maintaining and restoring health, and how LifeOne aided in bolstering its function.

This story became very personal for me in 2008 when my father developed prostate and bladder cancer. He took LifeOne as part of an immune boosting regimen, based on the belief that cancer is a symptom of an improperly functioning immune system. He began feeling better and having more energy almost immediately, and after about 6 months, he was symptom free.
Whether or not it was due to LifeOne, we cannot be completely certain, but I am thankful daily that is was a resource he could use. We have helped many clients over the years, whether through supplementation, knowledge or lifestyle change; and we plan on helping many more. My passion for helping others is fulfilled
everyday thanks to LifeOne, Level Nutraceuticals, and LifeOneDirect.com.